Toolkits for Tough Times: Winter Blues

How to beat the Winter Blues.

Article written by SSAFA Welfare Officer RAF Coningsby: Jenny Morgan

Writing about “beating the Winter blues” might seem a bit odd. Here at my desk, it’s crisp and cold, sure, but it’s also sunny and bright with blue skies and barely a cloud in sight, and the days are getting longer as we head towards Spring. However, to use that phrase coined by Thomas Fuller and used in many a song, the darkest hour is just before dawn. Read on for some hints and tips on dealing with Winter.


This could be a really short advice article, because basically, there are just six things anyone needs to do to get through Winter:

  • Stay warm
  • Stay nourished
  • stay hydrated
  • Stay active
  • Stay connected and
  • Stay positive

But maybe these need a little explaining, some detail, some tips that you can adapt to your own circumstances, so read on!

Stay warm:

Keeping warm will not only maximise productivity but will also help reduce injuries and protect physical and mental health. Ideas for this include layered clothing, warm blankets, a nice warm bath, warm soups and beverages, scarf, slippers (of course), bed socks. Snuggle up with a good book, or box set to watch on Netflix!


Stay nourished (physically and mentally):

Having a healthy and balanced diet is important for supporting the immune system, which defends the body against infection and also supports good mental health. With common viruses such as colds and flu more likely to circulate during the winter, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet because your body needs regular fuel to keep you warm. So, think about nourishing foods such as porridge, or pasta dishes. Soups, stews, and pies are also good comfort foods, but don’t forget your five a day of fruit and veg!  

Get out in the sun an hour or so a day, move furniture closer to windows for natural sunlight, consider a day lamp or daylight bulbs, consider vitamin D supplements. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques and stay connected with friends and family the best you can. Make a bit of 'you' time, to relax and unwind 


Stay hydrated:

Who doesn’t like a cuppa  on a chilly day, and whether its NATO Standard (“a white and two = NATO Brew”) or a herbal drink, keep those liquids going in. Water, too, of course and a hot toddy if needed!


Stay motivated and active:

Exercise boosts your immunity during cold and flu season.  Just a few minutes a day can help prevent simple bacterial and viral infections. It also boosts your mood and sense of  wellbeing, so consider brisk walks in the cool air, indoor yoga, or Pilates, or make use of the gym. Why not take up a new hobby to help you get out and about each day?


Stay connected:

Social interaction is important for our mental health all year round as it reduces loneliness and feelings of isolation. Meet with friends regularly to reduce isolation. Volunteer to help – SSAFA has volunteer opportunities on base – to support others as it gives that beneficial feel good factor, and gets you out and about with like-minded people too.


Stay positive:

Reflecting on the past year and making a positive plan for an improved future. You’re in the RAF, the best air force in the world, and a great career while serving with huge potential and a springboard to a great career when you leave, so reaching out for advice, guidance, and support if needed - SSAFA PS&SWS Team can help – and set a realistic goal and make a plan to work towards it in 2025!


For those who might like to take their information pictorially, all of the above is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs below. Simply, you start at the bottom, making sure your basic needs are being met, then work your way up for best chance of living your best life – and we’re here to help that!